And we are back. Saarang ended today morning at 6 when the marathon Lone Wolf Quiz ended. We hope those of you who turned up for Saarang had a really good time. With that said, we resume our quiz blog activities to (near) regularity, with this.
Connect. The 3rd pic is one step further removed from the other 2.
UPDATE: A slight modification in the wording of the question. The 3rd pic is one step further removed away from the answer than the first 2.
UPDATE 2: Since it still remains uncracked, here is a hint. The soundtrack of Taxi Driver is what I want you take from the 3rd pic. Will stay up for one more day.
Went uncracked. Was a toughie I guess. Highlight to read the answer -
Connect is Rene Magritte paintings. First pic is Gary Numan, whose album Pleasure Principle uses a Rene Magritte painting of the same name. The logo of Apple Corps is inspired from the painting The Son of Man. The Taxi Driver prominently features the song Late for the Sky by Jackson Browne, the album cover of which is again a Rene Magritte painting Empire of Light.