Wednesday, August 11, 2010

#217 : Fresh Crop

What's the connect?

Cracked by Amith. Highlight for the answer - Dashiell Hammet(pic 4) authored Red Harvest, which inspired Yojimbo( among other films such as 'A Fistful Of Dollars' and 'Last Man Standing'). Star Wars episode VI was codenamed 'Blue Harvest' as a parody. The Simpson's movie parodied the above codename, it's working title was 'Yellow Harvest'.


Big Brother said...

Apologies for having inadvertently closed the comments section for this post

Amith said...

Dashiel Hammet's (pic 4) Red Harvest inspired Yojimbo.

Return of the Jedi was codenamed "Blue Harvest", a reference to Hammett's Red Harvest.

I don't know how Simpsons fits in.