Monday, October 5, 2009

#167- Impossible is nothing.

Question from Achyuth.



vazha said...

jumping the shark

Debasish said...

Jumping the Shark
Nuking the Fridge

Video isn't accessible here - though I'm assuming it must be Jumping the Couch or some such

Abstract Randomness said...

"Jumping the Shark" originating from the Happy Days episode becoming synonymous with "Nuking the Fridge".

Both refer to the point in a show at which the plot development starts going downhill

Nitish said...

Jumping the shark and nuking the fridge- all phrases for absurd plots. First is That 70's show parody of Fonzie's jumping the shark routine, next is a visual of indy coming out of the fridge and 3rd is a pic of Fonzie

Chaitanya said...

1. Parody of 'Jumping the Shark' originally done by Fonzie in Happy Days.
2. Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
3. Fonzie himself.

Connect is the TV-term 'Jumping the Shark' and its movie equivalent 'Nuking the Fridge' which was taken from the Indiana Jones movie.

Aniruddh said...

"jumping the shark" something done to rekindle interest in some series which people have lost interest in
the first video parodies it, the
2nd one is a similar, from indi4 called nuke the fridge.
no idea about the last one

TAB said...

jumping the shark...fonzie does it, indie's fridge incident..

-TAB and Bart

Nakul PS said...

Jumping the shark, nuking the fridge... terms to denote plotlines veering of the ordinary path...

Vinay Hegde said...

'Nuke the fridge' and 'Jump the shark'? Parody of Fonzie (pic III), in the 'that 70s show' (vid I), jumping the shark.. :) Ford (pic II) is the obvious Indiana Jones nuking the fridge connect..

Dinesh Krithivasan said...

Fonzie from Happy days, Harrison ford in the Crystal skull and a video from That 70s show that parodies Fonzie "jumping the shark". That phrase has since been used to indicate a show that has outlived its charms. "Nuking the fridge" is a similarly coined phrase that indicates a movie that has simply gone too far in its outlandishness. "Jumping the couch" is another neologism along similar lines.