Sunday, April 12, 2009

Daily Question 127

Art question, straight off the bat.

Connect, theres a similar subject, but the connect goes deeper.

1)The Rape of the Sabine Women by Giambologna

2)The Intervention of the Sabine Women by the French painter Jacques-Louis David.The work was considered when Jacques-Louis David was imprisoned in the Luxembourg Palace in 1795; he hesitated between representing either this subject or that of Homer reciting his verses to the Greeks. He finally chose to make a canvas representing the Sabine women interposing themselves to separate the Romans and Sabines, as a 'sequel' to Poussin's The Rape of the Sabine Women.

Noone got it completely. Alva, peregrine, dinesh and sansaptak got the story. Dinesh came the closest though


Dinesh Krithivasan said...

Rape of the Sabine women - a sculpture by Giambologna and the painting by Jacques-Louis David.

sansaptak said...

the rape of the sabine women by giambologna and then the painting the intervention of the sabine women by david. one depicts the abduction while the other depicts the time when the women got together to reconcile the warring people.

Pergerine said...

Rape of the Sabine Women
Statue by Giambologna
painting by Jacques Louis David

Dinesh Krithivasan said...

Upon further reading, I believe there might be more to the connect. The sculpture is the "rape of the sabine women" while the painting is the "intervention of the sabine women". The first shows the abduction of the Sabine women by the citizens of the newly established Roman state. The Sabines go to war with the Romans over this but the women (who now have families with the Romans) intervene and stop the war. Nice question.

Anubhav said...

Rape of the Sabine women


Intervention of the Sabine women

1st and 2nd part of the same story.