Sunday, November 30, 2008

Daily Question 17

Tough one, courtesy Arun.


Oedipus Rex.

1) Sophocles, the second of the three ancient Greek tragedians whose work has survived to the present day. Oedipus Rex is a Greek tragedy written by Sophocles.
2) Pier Paolo Pasolini, who made a movie Oedipus Rex in the 60's
3) Igor Stravinsky, a sketch by Picasso, when they were working together on Pulcinella in 1920. Oedipus Rex was an opera by Stravinsky.
4) Tom Lehrer, the American singer-songwriter, satirist, pianist, and mathematician best known for the pithy, humorous songs he recorded in the 1950s and 60s.
5) P.D.Q. Bach, the fictional composer invented by musical satirist Peter Schickele. He made Oedipus Tex, an oratorio which follows the adventures of Tex ("you may have heard of my brother Rex")

Cracked by Ajay.

1 comment:

apraman said...

Oedipus Rex

--Ajay Parasuraman