Friday, January 29, 2010

#199 - A Certain Persistence


Cracked by Kaushik and Mainak. See comments for answers.


Mainak said...

The first is the picture of a linear zoetrope aka the "Masstransiscope" that has been installed in a metro system.

The second picture is that of Peter Rogets (who is well known for the Roget's Thesauras) whose papers on optical illusion influenced the development of the zoetrope.

The connect: Zoetrope

Kaushik said...

precursors to animation:

In September 1980, independent film-maker Bill Brand installed a type of linear zoetrope he called the “Masstransiscope” in an unused subway platform at Myrtle Avenue in Brooklyn, New York.

The invention of the thaumatrope is usually credited to either John Ayrton Paris or Peter Mark Roget.

biju said...

work on electro-dynamics by P.M. Roget which are basis for improvement of Railways