Thursday, January 28, 2010

#198 - Dial H for help

Simple one to make up for the previous toughie. Connect. Inexhaustive, but finite. Also the one famous member of this list is missing. What/Who?

Another toughie I guess. Went uncracked. Highlight to read answer-
The answer is the first Microsoft Office Assistants, with the most famous one being the Clipper, the paper clip.
In order, Office logo (jigsaw puzzle), Einstein, Merlin, Will, Mother Earth.

I have been informed this was an LVC at Kurukshetra SciTech Quiz. I wasn't there for that quiz, so it is just a pure coincidence.


Omkar said...

ingrid bergman. people born and dead on the same day.

Kaushik said...

craters on the moon?