Friday, November 21, 2008

Daily Question 8

Returning to connects, blame Samaadhi for this one.

The answer is 'White Flag'.....

1st pic Denethor and the stewards of Gondor had a white flag as their standard.

2nd pic from Forrest Gump, the scene with Forrest and lennon on the Dick Cavett Show, discussing the origin of Lennons anthem Imagine. Now, on April fools day 1973, Lennon and Yoko started a fictional country called Nutopia based on the philosophy expounded in Imagine. Nutopia's flag is white.

3rd is pic of Mullah Omar and Taliban's flag was completely white.

4th is Dido whose biggest hit is, of course, 'White flag'

Went uncracked. A first for this blog. Blame Samaadhi

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