Friday, December 18, 2009

#184 - Your order is here, sir


Cracked by Service, Dinesh, Varun and anon. See comments for answers


Varun said...

first pic:
Isador Isaac Rabi famously quipped, "Who ordered that?" on discovery of the Muon.

second pic:
Muon decay

Dinesh Krithivasan said...

Isidor Isaac Rabi remarked "Who ordered that?" when muons were first discovered. The second visual is the Feynman diagram for muon decay. Answer arrived at after extensive and decidedly shady googling.

Unknown said...

Very arbit but let's try html tags. The second picture indicates a muon decay . The first picture is of II Rabi , who commented "Who ordered that?", when CD Anderson discovered the muon. Slisha vague, but there you are.

Unknown said...

Isidor Rabi, who upon learning of the discovery of the unexpected muon commented 'Who ordered that'.