Monday, August 31, 2009

#138 - 0405xxxx

Simple one. Identify this heavenly body and give me the pop-cul reference.

Answer - To quote Srivats, Mimas the moon of saturn which looks eerily like the Death Star from Star wars. Excuse my previous reference to XKCD. After more research, I realised that it was wrong.

7 were able to crack it. Srivats, Dinesh Krithivasan, jj, suvi and anubhavb. Rithwik pinged me with the right answer.


Srivats said...

The saturnian moon Mimas, looks eerily like the death star from Star Wars.

Unknown said...

Is this the Kuipier belt object Eris, formerly Xena. Reference to Xena warrior princess?

Dinesh Krithivasan said...

Mimas, a moon of Saturn (also the smallest in the solar system to achieve hydrostatic equilibrium) that resembles the death star from the Star wars universe. I found an XKCD strip called "Excessive quotation" which is about the death star. Is that the vague connect?

jj said...

mimas(moon of Saturn

Unknown said...

The picture is Saturn's moon Mimas, and Mimas is also a Danish rock band.

Anonymous said...

(one of Saturn's moons)

Death Star is the pop-culture reference...

Nakul PS said...

hal 9000 asteroid