Sunday, December 13, 2009

#179 - Not a heartbreaker


Cracked by Varun, Samaadhi, Srivats, Wineye, service, anonymous

Answer (highlight to read) :
Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice-cream flavour named after revered Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia


Varun said...

Jerry Garcia & Cherry Garcia

Boneywasawarriorwayayix said...

Dude!! Put higher resolution pics.

To quote Wiki,

Cherry Garcia is named after the Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia.

Srivats said...

Ding Ding Ding... in one corner we have Jerry Garcia, with his famous handprint, and in the other corner, we have the delicious, the sinful, Cherry Garcia.. hmm, wait, did i get that right?

Wineye said...

Go Sappola!

Connect is Jerry Garcia.

The second pic is his middle finger-less handprint.

First one is an ice cream called Cherry Garcia.

Unknown said...

Cherry Garcia flavor by Ben and Jerry's named after Jerry Garcia whose handprint is the base for the collage shown.

Unknown said...

Jerry/Cherry Garcia.

Here's a hi-res version of the Jerry Garcia inkprint : The one on the question is _really_ bad.