Saturday, December 19, 2009

#185: Quite a Novelty


Terrence McKenna's timewave zero

Cracked by 8 of you


Unknown said...

Picture 3 is timewave zero plotted in a shady DOS program by this guy (Image link) , and the underlying phenomenon was captured on the silver screen by this guy , which was a waste of 120 bucks. What a surprise, html tags work.

Varun said...

1.Roland Emerich- Director, Writer, Producer of 2012

2.Terence McKenna who made 3.The Timewave Zero software to plot novelty based on different calendars

Connection-2012 phenomenon or novelty theory take your pick

Anonymous said...

2012 phenomena

3. Timewave zero software

2. Terence Kemp Mckenna who proposed the concept of novelty as being the cause of the supposed impending cataclysm (while dining on psychdelic mushrooms)

1. Roland Emmerich - director of 2012

Unknown said...

The connect is 2012
Pic 1 : Roland Emmerich - movie 2012
Pic 3 : Linear model of the I-ching, predicting a disaster in 2012.

Dinesh Krithivasan said...

The 2012 phenomenon. The first guy is the director of the movie (Emmerich), the second guy (McKenna) studied I-ching (3rd pic) while on shrooms and found some correlations between the peaks in his plots and influential events in history. The plots blow up at 2012 which is supposed to indicate a singularity.

Unknown said...

Emmerich's movie and Mckenna's (second pic) Novelty theory graph which shows the number of novel events in a given year. From his predictions based on some ancient Chinese book, Mckenna predicted that from 2012 onwards no more novel events will occur and hence the world will end in 2012, which is same as predicted by the Mayan calendar upon which Emmerich's movie is based

jj said...

1 - Roland Emmerich, director of 2012
2) Terence McKenna, who wrote the timewave zero software (3) which supposedly measures the novelty of the universe and predicts apocalyptica in dec 2012.

Wineye said...

1 is Roland Emmerich.
2 is Terence Mckenna.
3 is Timewave Zero software predicting the End of the World.

Connect is 2012.