Monday, December 1, 2008

Daily Question 18

Another one from Arun (seriously guys, contribute).


Answer : Chess Boxing

1 - Iepe Rubingh. The pic is something he did in Japan for which he got arrested. He is a Dutch performance artist whose oeuvre includes blocking off intersections in Berlin and Tokyo to create major traffic congestion. He created chess boxing.
2 - Froid Equateur - is a science fiction comic book from 1992 written and illustrated by the Yugoslavian born cartoonist and storyteller Enki Bilal. Extensively features chess boxing.
3 - Enki Bilal - As stated by Rubingh, Bilal's book was the inspiration for him starting chess boxing.
4 - Ninja Checkmate is blanked out. This 1979 movie had the international title "Mystery of chess boxing" though it does not actually involve chessboxing.
5 - Wladimir Klitschko who also competes in this sport.

Cracked by Samaadhi, Amith and Anonymous.

To contribute, send in your questions to Srivats, who BTW is extending his hiatus from this blog by a couple of days.


unsequitur said...

chess boxing?

and by the way, how do you contribute questions?
( and apologises for her/his ignorance )

Boneywasawarriorwayayix said...

the connect is "Chess boxing"
I haven't cracked the first and the last one yet...but the movie is "mystery of chess boxing" also known as "ninja checkmate"....
the older guy is enki bilal, who introduced it in his comic some Froid whatever, the cover of which is given....

Amith said...

Chess Boxing

1. ???????
2. Froid Equateur
3. Enki Bilal
4. Ninja Checkmate (Mystery of chess boxing)
5. Vladmir Klitschko