Monday, December 15, 2008

Daily Question 32

Both pictures below show essentially the same thing, with one difference. Identify, spot the difference, and tell me its historical significance

The Lion of St. mark, patron saint of venice

Such lions are found everywhere in venice

If the lion has an open book in its paw, it was made at a time when venice was at peace. If it has a closed book, it was made at a time when Venice was at war, and thus had no time for intellectual pursuits.

Cracked by Vishal, Kashyap and anon


Vishal Chandrasekar said...

This is the evangelistic symbol of St. Mark the Evangelist - a winged lion, now used as a symbol of Venice, especially on its flags. The 1st pic is at the entrance of the St. Mark's Basilica, the cathedral of Venice. The Lion with the open book indicates peace - and it quotes "Pax Tibi Marce Evangelista Meus" ("peace to you, Mark my Evangelist"). When Venice is at war however, the book is closed (2nd pic) - the closed book indicates war.

So, historically, whenever Venice was peaceful, the flag of Venice was made with the book open and when Venice was at war the flag was made with the book closed (and the lion having a sword in its paw) as a symbol of violence / war / absence of peace.


kashyap said...

St.Mark's Lion
The one on top has an open book
THe one below has a closed book and a sword-this is a variant of the one above which was used generally at times of war and the one above at other times.

unsequitur said...

a winged lion with an open book implies peace while the contrary, with the book closed, implies war.