Friday, September 4, 2009

#142 - I feel the need

Stud Question from Immanuel. *Pic1*, when its name is translated to Japanese is called X. One of the most common preys of *Pic1* is *Pic2*. Y is named after *Pic2*. The name X was chosen for a product because X can travel faster than Y. X,Y?


PS: It is not an arbit "identify the bird" connect :)

Answer - Peregrine Falcon when translated to Japanese is called Hayabusa. Suzuki named their vehicle Hayabusa to pain Honda CBR1100XX Blackbird.

Cracked by Vinay Hegde, Rohan, service, nikhil, vinayak, Advaith and jj


Vinay Hegde said...

I is a peregrine falcon and II is a blackbird. Suzuki Hayabusa and Honda Blackbird respectively.

R said...

hayabuzha and blackbird.

Unknown said...

Hayabusa is faster than the Honda CBR21100X Super Blackbird.

nikhil said...

X-> peregrine falcon , hayabusa in japanese.
Y-> could be wader or songbird

vinayak said...

X - Suzuki Hayabusa ( Peregrine falcon )
Y - Honda CBR1100XX Blackbird

Abstract Randomness said...

X-Suzuki Hayabusa
Y-Honda SuperBlackbird

This is Advaith btw

jj said...

Blackbird, Hayabusa.