Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hear ye!

As many of you know, Shaastra, IIT Madras' annual technological festival will be held from 30th of September to the 4th of October 2009. As part of Shaastra, two of the biggest Sci-Tech quizzes in India, How Things Work (HTW) and the Shaastra Main Quiz (SMQ) will be conducted. The mundane details:

Shaastra Main Quiz:
Prelims: 9:30 A.M., 2nd October, 2009
Semifinals 1 and 2: 8:00 P.M. and 11:P.M., 2nd October, 2009
Finals: 10:30 P.M., 3rd October 2009

How Things Work:
Prelims: 1P.M. to 3 P.M., 3rd October, 2009
Finals: 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M., 4th October 2009

Please do attend. For further details: