Saturday, September 26, 2009

#162 - Big brother may be watching


The usual moderator, Mr. Arjun N. Bharadwaj a.k.a "He who must mug" is unfortunately a little unwell now, so I will be taking over the blog for a few days.


Perhaps the first LVC on the blog! Connect. Take the picture just before the little girl twice. Exhaustive list.

Went uncracked.
Answer(highlight to view):
The named (viz. non simple) Gmail themes. In the order they appeared :
Random, Desk, Terminal, Turf, High score,Orcas island, ninja, tea house, candy, bus stop, Zoozimps (supposedly based on Kilroy), Planets, Graffiti, Summer ocean (and phantasea), Pebbles, Mountains, Tree and Beach.

Edit: I forgot to put up two links in the connect. Here they are.
printf("%d", srand(1000));

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